Thursday, 23 May 2013

Goldfield Writers Group - Goldfields Personality (400 words)

Last month, the homework for the Writers Group was to produce 400 words on either a Goldfields personality or a location.
As I did not do that in the allotted time, I'll do both as projects.

Starting today with the Goldfields Personality.


"...I mean: How could he make a call like that?" I asked incredulously.
"Yeah... Bad call. Still, at least it wasn't Eddie."
"Eddie? Huh? What difference would that have made?"
"Well," my friend began. "For starters, he hands out cards like candy. In my game, he gave a yellow to a guy for swearing. Strictly speaking, it is against the rules and is a cardable offence... but it's not like it's really that bad. Certainly not a yellow."
I thought on this for a moment.
"Can you really begrudge someone for playing the letter of the law?"
"Yeah." My friend rolled his eyes. "It's not like we are playing for sheep stations or anything, and it doesn't affect gameplay. I fail to see how it is that bad."
I nodded.
"I agree. What else?"
"He is very strict when it comes to everything, really. Give a half bad stick check, and he sends you off with a Green. Tells you that you should know better at this level. Things that most umpires give a short corner for in the circle seem to go to a Penalty Stroke more often. He seems to have a thing with trying to mix things up, ruffle some feathers, particularly with the experienced and skilled players."
"Actually, those are the exact words he uses when it comes to administration of the Hockey Centre." I replied. "Give an opinion to the committee that might not be what they want to hear... but it must be said that it could actually be closer to correct than what the committee ends up doing."
"Hmm. He's an institution here. You always see him down here in his black pants and green YM jumper or shirt. Respect him for the dedication and years he has been here, but try to ignore everything else." He mused.
"Fun fact: he seems to know everyone here, including all of the juniors."
"Yeah. I've seen him rattle off the names of all of the Under 13s from another club. Most of them, I don't think I've seen before... and I've been here for years reffing that level."
My friend gave a whistle.
"True?" I nodded. "Respect. Takes a lot of time and effort to do that."
"Yeah," I said. "As you said, an institution."

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