Thursday, 11 July 2013

Mid Week Microscopy - 008 - The Bug

OK, this one elicited more than a few "EEEEEWWWWWW" type comments on the Facebooks.

So... Warning: This may make you go "EEEEEWWWWWW".

With that out of the way....
I found one night that I had squashed a bug when it had run under my foot or something.
So I took pictures of it.
This was run over the course of a few weeks on the Facebooks, but I am condensing it down to a single post here.

This is the Bug in question.

~35x Magnification
Bug's head.
~45x Magnification
Bug's Antennae (complete with fluff from the floor)
~200x Magnifcation
Bug's Antennae
~55x Magnification
Bug's Leg, with extra floor fluff.
~225x Magnification
Bug's Leg
~55x Magnification
Bug's Carapace, Mid Section.
~200x Magnification
Bug's Carapace, midsection.
~55x Magnification
Bug's rear end, with partial open herniation
~210x Magnification
Bug's Rear End, with partial open herniation
~35x Magnification
Bug's head, supine.
~45x Magnification
Bug's body, supine

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