PSA 1 - I'm On Call for your Stupidity
Middle-Close shot of a somewhat attractive person in hospital scrubs. Person is standing in a hallway near a ward or the Emergency Department
Hi, my name is *name* and I am a medical imaging technologist. That means I take X-Rays, -
Cut to scene of a cheerful radiographer taking a Chest X-Ray, or a hand XRay on a cooperative patient.
- do CT Scans, -
Cut to scene of a seemingly healthy patient in the middle of a CT scan, with smiling nurse and radiographer explaining the procedure.
And generally help the Doctors and Nurses in the Emergency Department
Cut to scene of laughing doctors, nurses and radiographer on the flight deck.
Cut back to person in hospital scrubs.
I love my job and the people working with me.
However, there are some aspects of my job that I could improve with your help. For example, unlike most of the people you are familiar with for emergency medical assistance, I am not constantly working. In fact, I am On Call. At any point in the middle of the night, I can get called in -
Cut to radiographer being woken up in the middle of the night by a phone call for an emergency.
- to help the emergency teams try to save you when you think it is a good idea to get trashed and get in to fights -
Cut to uncooperative patient with a clearly broken hand and numerous cuts and bruises and radiographer trying to get patient to calm down enough to take an XRay.
- or when you thought you were okay to drive home and plowed in to a tree -
Cut to intubated patient on the CT table with frantic doctors and nurses.
or when you generally do stupid things.
Cut to concerned doctors, nurses and radiographer viewing a CT image.
"- broken neck and he's bleeding heavily in to his brain, and this is what the 3D bone reconstruction looks like." -
Cut to image of a quite obviously heavily fractured skull and face 3D CT reconstruction, to a chorus of concerned "Oooh, that's bad."/similar
I then have to work the next day -
Cut to obviously tired radiographer arriving at work, making coffee.
- and then do it all again..
Cut to rapid sequence, starting with getting the midnight phone call and quick flashes between similar scenes to above.
So next time you are getting trashed, remember -
Cut to close up of radiographer's concerned face.
Be sensible: I'm on Call for your Stupidity.
PSA 2 - You are Affecting Hundreds
So you got trashed, got in to the car and drove away. How many people are affected? Obviously, there is you.
A self confident douche appears on the screen (Think Jersey Shore)
Then there are the people who find you.
Next to, but away from, the douche, there are four party goers who look concerned. Douche tries hitting on one from a distance, and gets rejected.
They call the ambulance -
Next to the partygoers, three paramedics appear. Douche shrugs.
- who take you to the Emergency Department.
Next to the paramedics, two doctors and three nurses appear, clearly overworked and not impressed.
The On Call staff are phoned -
Two or three more people in scrubs appear.
- waking up their partners.
Two or three beds with tired people in them appear.
Your family is informed.
Douche's parents and siblings appear on the side of the ED Staff. Douche is clearly starting to look a little worried.
You might be admitted to the hospital and might need lifesaving surgery
Double the current number of people on screen. These new people are in various types of hospital scrubs. At this stage, the douche is looking quite small against the crowd.
By the morning, your close friends will know.
Add the douche's friends, horrified, one by one by two by three by five etc. to the group.
If you die, then you have the funeral directors.
Add two more people, and douche is now clearly unhappy.
- and many who know or are related to you.
Add in another 50 people.
If you don't die and are merely permanently disabled -
Douche now in a wheelchair.
then you have a whole host of carers and support groups that have to assist you.
Add another 10-50 people.
And that's if you only hurt yourself. What if you run in to another person -
Group doubles in size.
- or plow in to a group of people?
Triples from new size.
All of these people are affected -
Zoom from the whole screen size of the group to a close up of douche, who looks completely out of his depth.- all because you made a dumb decision.
So think carefully: Your dumb decision affects hundreds.
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